
Alert Group Application Development Charges
Each Alert Group costs one time development charge of USD 47.89 which allows you to unlimited re-customizations of your alerts application
You can specify your Application Title, Website Links, Desktop and System Tray Icons, Dimensions of the Alert Windows to display messages and any other customizations you may like to do.
You can re-customize your application again and again till you are satisfied with the end result. You will only need to pay additional development charges if you order application for a new alert group.

Desktop Alert Notification Usage Charges
Our Usage charges are one of the lowest in the industry and apply only if you have more than 5 members in your alert group.
No of Free Members per Alert Group: 5
Charges for Additional Members: USD 0.5 / Member / Month.
[Only Members who have installed Desktop Alerts will be counted]
[Members deleted before end of the Month will be billed only for the days they have been Active]
SMS Message Charges
No Additional Charges other from SMS Packages cost
Email Notification Charges
USD 0.1 / Member / Month [Normal]
USD 0.5 / Member / Month [Premium - 99.9% reliability]