Custom Branded Desktop Alert Software, SMS Messaging Software, Email Notification Software and Alert App for Android and iPhone by BusinessAlerts offers Instant and Secure communication channel for sending Notification Alerts, Email Notification and SMS Message between a business and its customer!
It offers Instant Delivery of Alerts Messages to Customer Desktops, Email Inbox as well as SMS Message to their mobiles. Customized Branded Desktop Alert Software available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Mobile Alert App for Android and iPhone platforms available. Other Features include Customer Surveys ,Personal Messages , 256 bit Encrypted Desktop Alerts , Full Audits ,Time Limited Trial / Demo versions / Paid Subscriptions and Full Desktop Alerts API Implementation to Automate the Webmaster tasks. Twitter and Facebook notifications have also been implemented using their respective API.

Alerts on Desktop
Our Desktop Alert application delivers the desktop notification alerts on your customer's computer screens within few seconds ensuring timely delivery, high visibility and optimal impact of your messages.
Always In Time
Our combination of a three tier mechanism and fast algorithms ensure that your messages reach your customers within seconds. You have full control over timing of your messages.
Alerts on Mobile
Our SMS Message application delivers the alert messages on your customer's mobile phones as SMS within few seconds ensuring that your mobile customers do not miss out on important alerts.
Custom Branded
Desktop Application shows your Brand Logo, Icons and links. Customization includes but is not limited to application icon, splash graphic, window dimensions, hyperlinks and titles.
Alerts in Email
Our Email Notification application delivers alert messages in your customer's inbox also so that those customers who can't access desktop or mobile at that time do not miss out on important alerts.
Full Featured API
If you wish, you can use Desktop Alerts API to fully automate your sending of alerts without leaving your website. API provides you with easy to use methods to manage your alert messages.
CoHosted Alert Solution
This most common and economonical solution has your Control Panel installed on our server and you only pay usage charges based on your customers.
Starts from as low as $47
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Dedicated Alert Solution
In this solution, your Customized Control Panel and its apps are installed on your own server. We provide life time perpetual license for the usage of the program.
Starts from as low as $497
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Free Desktop Alert Solution
This is a simple alert solution which is free for non-commercial usage. It is useful for the webmasters who just want their members to get their messages without any audits.
Free for non-commercial usage. Starts from $47 for commercial usage
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